Cherishing Happiness Within

Each one of us has her own ideal, the perfect image of herself. Let’s analyze it a bit. What does that beautiful woman look like? Is she a businesswoman or caring mother? A successful woman or loving wife? Or should it have been and” instead of or”? Is she happy and self-fulfilled? What is she dreaming of? What are her wishes and desires? What brings a sincere smile to her face and lights up her eyes? What is bothering her or preventing from moving forward? Of course, this image does not remain constant over time. It changes with each book or article we read, every picture we see, and the daily words that we hear. It can be supplemented with new details, and may sometimes appear in an absolutely different light.

Why do we have this image at all and what is its purpose? I believe it serves as a baseline, something with which we can compare ourselves, because as you might agree, comparing ourselves to others is absolutely meaningless. This image helps us on our way to growth and improvement, though, occasionally it might discourage us as well. We all turn to it from time to time, for example, when we try on clothing and look in a mirror to see if we match that image we aspire to, or when we decide it is time to lose some weight so we can look more like our imaginary ideal. We might turn to it when we are proud of our own achievements, or, vice versa, as we scold ourselves for lacking willpower. In each of these examples, we mentally compare the real with the imagined, all the while wishing to make the two converge. 

But how can that be possible? you might think. After all, there are so many requirements, so many details to this image. Is it even theoretically feasible to live up to it? The truth is that most of those details we covet came from the outside. They do not resonate with our true wishes and desires, and have been imposed on us. If we omit them from the list, what is left at the end, what really matters, and what we have a true longing for is not so far from our reach after all. Here, on this blog, we will discuss how taking control of the small things can help us exert control over our thoughts, and hence our lives. From there, we will be in a position to decide which elements can exist in our perfect self-image, and which ones should be crossed out. Diverting ourselves from I cannot do that many things, instead moving towards I can do this little step, will help us to recognize that each of us is responsible for our own lives. We can achieve absolutely anything if we really wish to and put in enough effort. Actually, life becomes quite simple if all our thoughts are well structured and organized and we know what we are aiming for.

What’s more, in this blog we are going to discuss how to carry the things we start through to their conclusions. This is the only way to see the progress we’ve made and to move towards our goals and dreams. Our progress in small things motivates us to go on. It shows us that systematic work pays off, and that if it yields results in one sphere, it will bear fruit in others as well. A regular and methodical approach is the basis of all positive change. 

We will go over how to get rid of the garbage in our lives: our bad habits and all the activities that steal our time without bringing us any satisfaction. We will talk about mental and physical health, nutrition and exercise, efficient time management, the creation of objectives, and about hobbies and interests, upon which dreams are built. We will go into relationships, inner and outer beauty, energy and motivation, and everything that makes our lives bright and full and brings us into a state of balance and inner peace. 

And I hope I will be able to convince you that real happiness is born from inside. No one and nothing can make us really happy unless we are ready for it. And, more importantly, nobody can take happiness away from us if it’s a feeling that comes from within. 

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